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Carlye Buxton
Certified Senior Escrow Officer

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What can we say about The Kolb Team? There is so much, and it is all good! We were referred to them by one of their clients and a mutual friend of ours. We ended up purchasing a house on our two month vacation from PA, even though we were “just looking.” We were stressed about this but because of their assistance and attention to detail, it went as smoothly as one could only hope. Since we were then going to have a newly purchased home which would sit vacant for six months until we sold our home in PA and permanently moved to AZ, they referred us to a house sitter and yard keeper. They were (and are) available to answer our questions just about any time of day and night. It is as if they are working exclusively for us, even though we know they have many other clients. We thank you both so much for everything and look forward to living in Oakwood and being neighbors.